Old Optimus V


I have an old Optimus V from PCSpecialist. June 2013 old. It has recently given up on me and I won't be able to replace it for a while what with Covid related redundancies and all that.( I have hijacked the media center :) )

Given the symptoms it has, I uneducated guess would be that the 5v rail has a short. The Power brick is live (I've probed it) and the battery is still good. No lights show on the front when it is plugged in and it doesn't power up when pressing the power button. There is no burnt smell from the CPU or the GPU and I have no way to test the RAM but the problem persists with no RAM in the board.

I was wondering if boards were still available for this model? I would like to get a little more life out of the laptop if it is at all possible. This media centre is 13 years old and I can't run any of my cad software on it not to mention that the graphics card in the computer has decided to only let me use 4:3 resolutions on a 16:9 monitor.