Noisy PSU


Active member
Received my PC yesterday. Everythings good except the PSU. I launched crysis and the noise started in the game menu. I was going to record the sound but I found a video on youtube which sounds the same. I just downloaded ATItool and launched the 3d cube and it sounds exactly the same as this.

I would call you guys tomorrow but unfortunately probably won't have the chance to, so might have to call you on Monday or something?

I guess the only option is to send the PSU back for a new one or the whole PC to get you guys to change it?


Edit: Its the 600w psu


Author Level
Its called capacitor whine and it occurs when there is a large draw. You are correct about the options, there is no fix for this other than earplugs or a replacement PSU.


Active member
Ok then. If I did get a replacement PSU, is it simple thing to change it myself or would you recommend I send the whole PC back? The amount of cables coming out of the PSU makes it look like a daunting task.


Author Level
It is simple enough, its just being confident enough to deal with that amount of cabling and getting the new one in a state that allows good airflow. There is room for error and damage if things are not plugged in right but the call centre will be able to talk you through it. Alternatively you could arrange for a return and we will turn it around as fast as we can. Its up to you really, whichever option suits you best.


Active member
I think I'll probably arrange for a return. Don't want to mess it up. Should I call and explain the problem?


Author Level
If you give them your order number and tell them you get capacitor whine from the PSU when you put load on the GPU they will know exactly what you are talking about.


Author Level
We can pick it up from anywhere that makes it easier if thats an option. As a rough guess for something easy like this with guaranteed stock of the part (pretty much) a couple of days for transit and the same with us. Within a working week if timed right.


Active member
Ok then, I'll find some time tomorrow to call and try to arrange pickup for Monday, hoping to receive by the end of the week

Thanks Gorman


Active member
Would I need to package it the same way you guys did? I mean with the box on top of the PC containing the driver disks etc?


Author Level
You dont need to return all the welcome pack etc, just use the original packaging and the foam ends, the call centre will advise on this.

Very important to use our packaging then you are insured for damage in transit.


Active member
Tried calling today on my mobile phone at work. Had £8.50 credit, sat in the queue for 15-20 minutes then it said "1 minute remaining". Lost £8.50 :( Oh well, will have to call tomorrow morning from home.