My PC STILL with problems!


Silver Level Poster
I bought a PC a while ago, it had a problem with BlueScreens etc

and with various other things, they sent me a replacement GFX card, I fitted it, and now it has the same problem, Flash tends to crash a lot, I still get bluescreens and the sound seems to some times stutter then go silent in games, the games seem to crash every 2 minutes, but I rarely ever get a problem when I am doing something simple like watching YouTube videos for example, although Flash tends to crash now and then.

PC Specs are here:!

Seems like I might have to put this PC away... I don't fancy doing yet ANOTHER install of Windows, it was annoying enough to buy a game, spend 8 hours downloading and then for it to constantly crash due to my PC which is more than powerful enough to run ANY game.... well at least it should be.
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Member Resting in Peace
Might be a problem with your sound card,if you did get the sound card thats in your spec,
try using onboard sound for a while to see how it goes.


Silver Level Poster
Use the sound through my monitors speakers? or what because I am using a headset, not sure if it makes any difference, here is a screenshot of the error anyway.



Member Resting in Peace
The error indicates an audio problem,thats why I suggested trying the onboard,which requires going to sound settings
& changing the default to confirm it is a problem with your soundcard driver.
but you might as well try updating the creative soundcard driver first.


Silver Level Poster
Tried that micgre worked for about an hour, then got the same error.

vanthus I tried changing the playback output and it still crashed....

all my sound car drivers seem up to date.


Silver Level Poster
Just tried to play a game again and got a bluescreen, a freeze/buzz then bluesceeen, this is the error detail.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 50
BCP1: FFFFF89F803BE140
BCP2: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 0000000000000005
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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The BCCode changes each bluescreen but I do get the same code sometimes.


Silver Level Poster
Crashed AGAIN! can't go 2 minutes without it doing it.


Yes my name is ironic I guess.

It may be the game but nevertheless it still happens with other games, I still get my webpages crashing due to shockwave crashing etc etc

I still get various bluescreens!

MORE errors


and to prove it's not just games that crash..

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Silver Level Poster
How do I reset my memory cards?

By the way I get various BBCodes not just that one and I also tried that MW3 fix, it worked for a couple of hours and that's it.

My Adobe Shockwave keeps crashing web pages too....


How do I reset my memory cards?

By the way I get various BBCodes not just that one and I also tried that MW3 fix, it worked for a couple of hours and that's it.

My Adobe Shockwave keeps crashing web pages too....

He means the RAM chips


Well-known member
The RAM will be clipped onto the Mobo and are very easy to reseat.
You just need to unclip each memory card (RAM) and make sure that there is no dust or debris on them or on the Mobo.
Then just reclip them back onto the Mobo.


Silver Level Poster
Thanks for the help, today I have been playing with no problems, my dad and his mate thinks it may be overheating?

If the problems come back I will try the RAM reset.