Rising Star
Hey all thought I would share my experience with pcs and the pc I bought - So I bought my pc about 2 months ago and so I think now is an appropriate time to show it off and tell you how I feel about it. First the service at pcs and on the forums was excellent, everyone is very friendly, helpful and just generally awesome
in terms of the pc what can I say outher than it is a beast, It still needs a few things like new fans, a h60 2013 cooler, 500gb ssd and a fan controller, but its pretty awesome as it is. the pc performs a hell of a lot better than what I expected and it handles everything with out breaking a sweat, its also lightning fast
Ok so on to the general setup, my games room is rather incomplete I still need to buy 2 more monitors, my led tv, sound bar, sofa / recliner chair along with outer things. but I am very pleased with the current setup as it is. Here are some pics of my current setup - I will be adding a lot more things in the coming weeks. Thanks pcs and everyone on the forums!!! - pc spec is in my signature, if you want to talk or play some games steam name and origin name is covertcode.

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