My friend wont listen.


The Awesome
Well the graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 610M, which is part of the new 600 range, however it is the bottom of the 600 range and therefore I suspect wont cope particularly well for gaming at a decent level (though note I don't actually know how well the GPU will perform, I'm just making an educated guess)


Bronze Level Poster
Well, for the price could he get better on this website? And get better hardware?
And will that laptop be good for high end gaming etc, HD stuff


Superhero Level Poster
Without doing a direct comparison its hard to tell, but I cannot think of a single occasion where I have thought...

"I want a great deal on high end electrical goods. Right, off to John Lewis!" :D


Author Level
Well, im no expert on laptops, far from it. But i can see that on PCS you can get a much better screen, 1920 x 1080 rather than the 1366 x 768 on the link :)


Bronze Level Poster
So end of the day i could get a much better deal here for my friend? I've brought from here before and he wont listen to me.