Mesh Computers in administration!

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Bright Spark
i've just read that on the Reg, PCS didn't put a bid in then £2 ?
my folks have a mesh pc which they're very happy with (an i3 so not that old) and i've not had to fix it, so can't diss them too much. :¬)


Yep same here my 5 year old mesh is still going strong.....umm gtx 8800...they were the days


Active member
I had a Mesh over 10 years ago.

When it came to replacing it I obviously looked there to see what was on offer. In my browsing I came across so many tales of disgraceful customer service and total apparent lack of concern once a sale had been made that I decided to go elsewhere and chose Evesham.

That pc has lasted me/us just under 9 years.

Some time back I started thinkning about replacing the Evesham and once again looked at Mesh. Browsing Mesh customer service quickly highlighted the fact that this "award winning company" appeared to be winning the award for disgraceful customer service hands down ! I decided at that time that I wasn't going to take the risk of going with them and around this time discovered PCS and have been tracking them ever since.

I think it's fair to say that as Mesh's reputation has plummeted PCS' has rocketed ! Not surprisingly I recommended them to youngest son who's then girlfriend bought from you and then to my eldest who did likewise a year or so ago. I received my new pc from you just last week.

It all comes down to how you treat your customers. Mesh appeared to treat many of theirs with distain once they had the order, and the money. PCS don't ! Long may you reign.


Superhero Level Poster
I never really liked the MESH that I had bought for me to take to Uni. Could never put my finger on it, but it just didnt like me that much.

HOWEVER, the family PC, a MESH Pentium summit from the turn of the century, is still going, well not strong, but it is going, as a rather important PC in the airport on the Isles of Scilly, because it runs the weight and balance loadsheet programme...which is on no other PC :D Go Go Little Mesh!


Active member
Its exactly why I'm here.

I ordered a PC, supposedly to be built in 14 days.

2 weeks later, no luck.

Phoned up.

P*ssed off sounding lady says "It'll be ready next wednesday".

Phones then. Nice guy answers.

They'd gone into administration, on the day before. I believe that first woman already knew they were heading that way. I didn't pay by Credit Card, so have to file via the administrators for a refund.

But since the company has ALREADY been sold, at a knock down price, and will STILL be run under the "mesh" banner (total sale something like 5 mil I think). Can't see myself getting a penny, most of that cash will go to pay suppliers, not buyers, but I might get some help via the consumer credit act through my bank.

I think it stinks because their site remained up, taking sales. There was NO announcement, and the administrators sold the company off at a bargain price almost as soon as it collapsed!

I only have one stroke of good luck. It was a buy now pay later - and the finance company hadn't paid anything to mesh, so it's only the deposit and arrangement fee I lost, plus an extra £100ish I paid later to add a GTX 560 TI to the system (more the fool me). But if I'd paid up in full, I'd be looking at trying to claim back over £1150 ish...

Apparently Mesh were the biggest independents left in the UK. How did it go so wrong? Bet they weren't paying the bills.

No offence, PcSpecialist, but I paid the deposit via Credit Card this time :=)

It's sad when a company collapses, especially for the ground floor staff, the techies, admin, etc - but something HAD to be going on and someone should look into it. Sorry, just angry (understandably - waiting 4 weeks and then losing all that cash).

At least I found this company.

PS. I was so angry I even phoned Dennis Publishing to warn them to cancel their ads lol - even they didn't know!


Staff member
Thanks for sharing your experience and hope you manage to get back your money essjayar.

Out of interest, can I ask why you chose Mesh before considering PC Specialist? Was it because you already knew of them or did you not find us until later on? If so, what made you buy from them? Maybe they came across better than us in the first instance?

If you don't mind letting me know, your feedback will be much appreciated in helping us improve our brand/strategy.


Master Poster
I came to PCS because I'm really picky, and I searched everywhere for the best. I found it ;)


Superhero Level Poster
I Googled PC Custom Builds or summit and PCS was the first link :D But sometimes it works like that...why look elsewhere when you find the best first go?!


Bronze Level Poster
Just bought a pc from PCS after spending 6-7 months going through different manufactures.

Liked the look of mesh from there adverts but then checked with past customer friends of mine who were not happy with the service. Bought PC advisor that month found on a page that was stuck together the advert for PCS and googled it and never looked back. The PCS PC is now 'In Building' and I'm now so glad i didn't purchase from mesh and went with PCS instead.

PS. The Fourms are probably one of the best resources out there so thanks to everyone on the fourms. They make the wait so much easyier.


Active member
Whoever invested the money to buy the "Mesh" brand is a complete idiot. I hope one of the victims of this unscrupulous company take the founders/administration to court for knowingly accepting money for goods they knew they couldn't deliver.


Well-known member
Not been on here for a while and happened upon this thread whilst browsing.
As some on here already know i'd ordered a pc from them in december (paid by debit card), my previous pc was a mesh and had been fine so went back there.
However they mucked me about something chronic regarding build dates and told various lies about when it would be completed - in the mean time i also happened upon forums that did nothing but slate their customer service and quality of the systems so i got cold feet and cancelled. Took a couple of weeks but got my money back so a lucky escape for me.
While waiting for my refund i came across PC Specialist and was very impressed by their customer friendly approach - it's a brave decision to have an open forum but the majority were extremely positive which is an excellent advert in itself - try visiting the mesh forum and you'll see the difference! (assuming it's still going that is).

I feel sorry for anybody that has been caught by them going into administration, it's not right that they can start again with a clean slate, whoever bought mesh should either honour existing orders or refund them in full.
As someone who's business got caught for 20k by a company going bust i feel their pain.


Superhero Level Poster
Their website lies :) Much of the company was sold off, and they are reportedly under investigation for illegal practices...

...MESH who? :D
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