I've got a PCS computer less than a year old, has just been away under RMA for weeks getting the cpu pump/cooler replaced. It came back and the LED case strip doesn't seem to be working. Fans front and rear colours are there, along with the LED on the pump, but nothing from the strip around the edge of the case. I'm not willing to send the thing back for another bunch of weeks, just for some pretty lights, and was hoping someone would have a simple solution here.
Do these things just tend to die pretty quickly, is it likely to be a software issue or perhaps a loose cable?
When it came back it had packing inside that was very well lodged and took me some time to get it out as I was trying to be careful. I did check the wiring and didn't see any loose connections, but if I know where I'm looking, I could check again.
I have Armoury Crate and it doesn't suggest there are any problems, although I must admit I use that via trial and error
*Edit .. and just for a bit more info .. it only took them 2-3 days to repair, once they started on the repair. But it took weeks for them to receive it because first the delivery company "lost" it, then they claimed the packaging was damaged so badly they had to repackage before sending on for repair. Then after repair, it sat for several days waiting for a pickup before finally being delivered back today (which was actually a surprise, as I received messages stating it would be Monday). It arrived with a big dent/rip in the top of the box, although there didn't appear to be any damage inside.
Do these things just tend to die pretty quickly, is it likely to be a software issue or perhaps a loose cable?
When it came back it had packing inside that was very well lodged and took me some time to get it out as I was trying to be careful. I did check the wiring and didn't see any loose connections, but if I know where I'm looking, I could check again.
I have Armoury Crate and it doesn't suggest there are any problems, although I must admit I use that via trial and error
*Edit .. and just for a bit more info .. it only took them 2-3 days to repair, once they started on the repair. But it took weeks for them to receive it because first the delivery company "lost" it, then they claimed the packaging was damaged so badly they had to repackage before sending on for repair. Then after repair, it sat for several days waiting for a pickup before finally being delivered back today (which was actually a surprise, as I received messages stating it would be Monday). It arrived with a big dent/rip in the top of the box, although there didn't appear to be any damage inside.