Laptop boots straight into bios


New member
Hi, I shut my laptop down earlier, turned it back on just now and it look a while to load, then went straight to bios, I’ve restarted many times, it managed to nearly get into windows but got a blue screen, I’ll upload an image of the error but I can’t seem to get back to it


New member
The error and my laptop specs


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The BSOD Doctor
That 0xC000000F exception code on the blue screen is a 'file not found' error. That would suggest an issue with your system drive. The first thing I'd suggest is to try removing and re-seating that M.2 drive, that has helped others sometimes. If that doesn't help I would try booting the Windows installation media and try a 'startup repair' from there. If that fails then you need to contact PCS because I'd suspect the drive has failed.


We love you Ukraine
I would also suspect the drive has failed as it’s a known issue with that model. Always worth getting advice before purchasing.

If it does turn out to be drive failure and you get an RMA, I’d highly recommend asking if they could upgrade you to a P44 Pro and just pay the difference as that’s a far more reliable model

You would also always want a secondary drive in the system exactly for this kind of issue so that your data isn’t compromised and all you need to worry about is reinstalling the OS and programs.


New member
I’ve just changed the ssd to a different port, I get the “error code: 0xc000000f” straight away now, when I press enter recovery environment or start up settings it takes me straight to the same screen. Also I forgot to mention but I’m not using the same ssd as the one in the above specs, I’ll upload a pic of the one I’ve been using. Should I try the windows media installation?


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