Job Interview, any list minute tips?


Life Serving
So guys,

I've got a job interview tomorrow :) yay go me.

It's with a city council, not gonna say the specific council or job. But those that know me will have a good idea.

I've got to do a presentation, but don't get told the subject until 30minutes beforehand. I'm guessing to test my knowledge and what I know, rather than what I can prepare for.

So, anyone got any last minute tips? I'm a pretty laid back guy, so I'm not nervous or worried about it. If it goes well, it goes well, if it doesn't' than ah well. It's only a job haha


Multiverse Poster
Make sure you prepare for the typical questions:
-why should we employ you?
-how would you contribute to this place?
Also make sure you ask questions that shows that you have done some research on the job specification/description. I got an offer for a new job, still pondering whether to take it or not


Superhero Level Poster
Look up all that fancy jargon and buzz words before you go... that you can make sure NOT to use them in any presentation :)

Nothing massively helpful I know, but I swear people don't realise how ridiculous they sound when they try so hard to sound like they know what they are talking about!

(We have to go downstairs sometimes to have a proper chuckle after some meetings with certain managers :) )


Life Serving
hahah lol ok thanks ded. makes sense though

the presentation is only ten mins, so i think i'll be ok.

lol, just read the letter... noticed on the back a small paragraph says

i would be obliged if you would confirm your attendance at the interview, by contacting me on the number above, or emailing..... no later than two days prior to your interview date...

Ah, well that's a great start.... hahha oopps


Good advice from Keynes and DED.

Just be yourself and if they ask you a question that you don't really understand, ask them to explain what they mean. If you have no clue about how to answer a particular question because you don't have experience in that area, be honest and say so, but also add that you are keen to learn about new subjects.

Good luck!!


lol, just read the letter... noticed on the back a small paragraph says

i would be obliged if you would confirm your attendance at the interview, by contacting me on the number above, or emailing..... no later than two days prior to your interview date...

Ah, well that's a great start.... hahha oopps

Well there's some sneaky s*** right there :(

Send them an email now and phone them first thing in the morning.


Life Serving
Well there's some sneaky s*** right there :(

Send them an email now and phone them first thing in the morning.

lol, I never even saw it. I've sent an email, but i'll be there by 9am so will just play it by ear.

Never had to send an email to confirm I was attending an interview though. Saying that, never had an interview with a city council before.


Superhero Level Poster
Well here is my tip. Its more of a what not to do that a tip, but don't EVER say this.

Interviewer: "So tom you want to be a bin man(or whatever :p), what do you know about being a bin man"

Tom: "not a lot really"

Interviewer: "well tell me what you do know"

Tom: "silence, painful silence"

Tom: "nothing really"

Interviewer ":no:"

I may or may not have done something identical to that a few years ago for a job as an apprentice stonemason... Thing was I new loads about it but for some reason at that particular time I had forgotten it. Needless to say I didn't get the job, but less than 8 years later im about to be in the position to be conducting interviews, but I hate going for interviews myself. Always have, even before the incident :)

So as long as you don't spend 10 minutes staring blankly at the interviewers while your supposed to be presenting them something it will be less awkward than the rest of my (fairly short) interview for the apprentices job :p

As far as advice goes, remember all you can do is be yourself and answer questions you know the answer to. If you don't know don't guess, they will pick it up right away. Depends on the type of job your going for but you need to make yourself look a good fit for the position.


Best advice I can give is make sure you switch your darn phone off! I managed to forget to do this on my first ever job interview and my alarm from the previous day went off. Somehow I still managed to get the job by taking the mickey out of myself afterward but it's probably better to not do it in the first place! :D


The BSOD Doctor
This is probably a bit late now, but if it's with a city council do your research on the city. Make sure you know what their key issues are etc.

Anyway, I hope it went well!



Life Serving
hahah, thanks for the replies guys. I think it went pretty well, was a two questions i could have done a little better on. But overall I felt it went well. I chucked in a few questions at the end for good measure. Sounds like a pretty decent council.

she said, "we have a few more people to interview, but we will let you know on Monday"

I'm a glass half full kinda guy, so will see.


Superhero Level Poster
If you felt it went well it probably did. How was the presentation? Did you have to demonstrate your bin empting technique?


Life Serving
If you felt it went well it probably did. How was the presentation? Did you have to demonstrate your bin empting technique?

hahah, turned out it was a case study, i had 30mins to read it, consider the issues and then look at how to solve them. Then they asked me 6 questions.


Life Serving
Due to find out tomorrow, my god I can't sleep with anticipation! Its flipping horrible waiting and not knowing!