Ivy Bridge delayed until June


Superhero Level Poster
I could swear blind some people were setting up builds etc on the configuratron, but leaving the door open for Ivy Bridge to improve it...this was last summer! :D


Prolific Poster
lol means my 2600 isn't out of date yet. :)
I wouldn't worry about that anyway, the i7-3770K has been reviewed and only brings a 7% performance increase overall and that's with a 100Mhz speed advantage over the 2600. Full review here (translated just for you ^_^): http://translate.google.com/transla...news.mydrivers.com/1/218/218443_7.htm&act=url just click the page hyperlinks at the bottom to see how it performs in other areas, I can't translate the game names though :(

El Wayneo

Silver Level Poster
Yeah i'm not too fussed on Ivybridge doesn't look to much better over sandybridge, Haswell next year should be awesome though.

I'd still buy a sandybridge laptop atm as the next gen processors don't bring that much of a performance gain on laptops, well not as much as the graphics if you game.

But yeah, a bit annoying as its always best to have the newest stuff out.

Music Guy123

Prolific Poster
The main advantage for ivy bridge will be lower temps, less power, slightly more performance but that isn't the main thing. Less power and lower temps would really help a laptop so I would definately try to get it in a laptop, probably before I got it in a desktop.