its here! BUT...


Active member
Hey guys, the PC is now here but im sort stuck.

I dont seem to have network antennas for wireless and im connecting the PC with my TV via HDMI and the screen isnt to scale. Can someone help? Thanks.


Author Level
Ah righto, i would alert the call centre to the missing wireless antaenae they can be posted, sorry about that!

Zoomed in? sorry, im not trying to be awkward! is it that the resolution is too low making the icons etc appear large?


Active member
Yeah, I will be sure to do so in the morning! At the moment I have a 4 metre long ethernet cable running around my house

And don't worry about the last post in regards to the screen: It's all sorted out now ;)


Active member
Well, my monitor is 1080p and it seems when I apply my settings to 1080 it is making the icons seem large.


Active member
This will sound silly and patronising (and it really isn't!!!!!) but have you checked to see if Windows has enabled some sort of magnifier or large icon view for the blinder people in our population? :)

I couldn't find my wireless antennae either at first, found the both of them in their plastic wrappings hidden in the Welcome Pack, they'd managed to find their way behind the cardboard.