inWin Dragon Rider Case


Bronze Level Poster
Hey guys, just got the new PC and its all great, just wondering about how to turn the top right side fan on, all the others are on and I have reconnected the 220mm left side fan which was disconnected for packaging, but the top right one is plugged in and not on - how can I turn this on / is it supposed to be off for now?


Author Level
Is it plugged into the mobo? What is it plugged into?

Sure no wires are stopping the blades rotating?


Bronze Level Poster
Plugged into the motherboard, nothing seems to be in the way. It is as it came, it appears to be plugged in correctly and I assume they wouldn't have unplugged the fan because its not on the side of the case that you take off to put the packaging in


Author Level
If you unplug it and plug it into a connector that you know IS working, you could see if it's the mobo or the fan :)


Bronze Level Poster
I was hoping it wasn't something requiring that, I can't get to it without unplugging everything and bringing the tower back out unfortunately. If there are ANY other possibilities I'd like to try them first, like if its supposed to be off untill the mobo gets hot or something


Author Level
If it's all connected up, i can't think of any reason for it not running. Regardless of the temps, im positive they will spin, even if slowly. if you got a fan controller, is it turned on so to speak?

I know it's a faff getting out the pc, but if you don't have a fan controller, it'd be worth unplugging it all, opening up the case and checking it's plugged in correctly if at all, and if so, change the header it's on to see if it's that connector or the fan :)


...and (tip-of-the-day) while you've got your pc out, make a note of the Windows activation key which should be on a sticker at the back of the pc. That way, if you need to re-install Windows in the future you won't need to pull the pc out again. Make a note of the 'key' in your welcome booklet and keep it safe.