Initiating Crossfire

*This is copy/pasted from my post a good year or two ago, i still don't have a solution although i did stop trying. Any help would be greatly appreciated*

Hey people, just before i ask this i'd like to state that i tried searching for posts but couldn't find anything, although i may be using the search function completely wrong.

Before i bought my PC i read up on the processor i had selected and found out what the highest GPU i could get that would still crossfire with the CPU was, but now that my PC is here and i have started gaming i would like to be able to bump my performance up as much as possible.

So my question is, does the crossfire automatically run or do i have to go in somewhere and turn it on?

CPU: AMD A8-3870K APU (3.0GHz, 4 Cores) & AMD Radeon™ HD 6550D Graphics


RAM: 8gb Kingston Hyper-x Genesis Dual-DDR3 1600 (2 x 4gb)

Just to be sure i didn't make a mistake while ordering it i googled this setup again and seems to be alot of people running Ultra and High settings on alot of things with around 45-50 fps whereas i tried playing Blacklight: Retribution, War Inc: Battlezone and Tribes Ascend but the only way i could get a decent FPS was with "Med" graphics settings.

Any help at all is always appreciated



Note: This is what Device Manager sees, just incase that helps.



To enable crossfire :
Go into catalyst control center -Performance tab - tick enable crossfireX - Apply and restart system.
Should sort out your problem.
Also, make sure you installed the bridge.
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To enable crossfire :
Go into catalyst control center -Performance tab - tick enable crossfireX - Apply and restart system.
Should sort out your problem.
Also, make sure you installed the bridge.


This is what CCC looks like, there is no "Enable CrossfireX"

What is the bridge?

Yes i am a filthy noob.

I presume you are just planning to Crossfire the CPU's integrated graphics with the HD6670 you have?
For using the integrated with the discrete card I doubt you need a crossfire bridge, but I'm not sure how you set it up to be honest

Yea just trying to crossfire with the onboard.

That's annoying, i know i should be getting more out of this system, i can't even play Payday 2 without being on a lower res unless i put the settings literally to the bottom of what they can be.


Ah sorry. I did'nt read the post properly.
No you don't need a bridge If you are going to crossfire with the cpu. My suggestion is only if you are trying to crossfire two actual cards. :)
Haven't got a clue about how to crossfire with onboard.
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Prolific Poster
You have to enable it in the BIOS. By all accounts though the performance benefits will be negligible.


Prolific Poster
That's annoying, i know i should be getting more out of this system, i can't even play Payday 2 without being on a lower res unless i put the settings literally to the bottom of what they can be.

The A Series APUs aren't brilliant for gaming and the 6670 is not a good GPU for gaming either. I couldn't run Bioshock infinite very well with an A10-5800k with an HD7850-DC2T (upgraded from an HD6670). I don't think you're going to get any more performance out of that system to be honest.