Headphones Showing as Speakers (No Sound)


Bronze Level Poster
I've been using a pair of Turtle Beach PX22 headphones for a week now, and 30 minutes ago I had a notification asking if they were a Microphone and I accidentally selected yes (I was writing in Microsoft Word and typed enter). After this happened, no sound appeared through my headphones and they appear as "Speakers" in the "Playback devices" in the "Sound" icon.

I managed to get sound working temporarily, but it wasn't any good. Now, all of my head + earphones don't play any sound and I was hoping for a fix from you guys as you seem to be God's of computers! :)

If it helps, I think my audio goes through Realtek HD Audio Manager.

Edit: Nevermind! It turns out that it was an error with Realtek. Sorry xD
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