HD6870 AMD rasdeon 1gb problem.


Bronze Level Poster
When i am playing games, and also doing something else in the background (something like youtube) Every gamje stutters uncontrollabily, and has a massiver FPS drop. And lags like hell. With just one utube song playihng in the background?
I have u-enabled hardware acceleration, but still no solve.?


Staff member
When playing a game, I wouldn't recommend running any programs/websites/youtube in the background. I would also check that you have the latest drivers installed for your card, and ensure that you're not trying to play a HD video whilst playing a game on high/max settings.


Well-known member
other then what phoenix said that doesn't happen to me so id ring PCS up (same card)


*radeon ;) just a possible idea.. maybe its your internet'? I used to get this alot 1 year ago when streaming youtube vid and playin fps game. but its called lagg i guess.


Bronze Level Poster
I just brought a 950GBP Gaming computer from you PCS, Why should i not be able to play a game and not listen to music in the background? IT's not a 200 pound notebook.
I am ringing technical support. UNless you have any Good ideas.


Bronze Level Poster
Might it be a problem between switching from 3d to 2d? SLowing the cards MHZ down,then when switching back to 3d its stays 2d speeds?


Staff member
Could be - but playing a HD video (even a Youtube HD video) whilst playing a game is going to cause a drop in FPS. Try playing mp3 music instead, and see if the FPS drops then?


Bronze Level Poster
It's not utube HD, its 360p? It shouldnt be doing this. Fps drops from agbout 50-60 to 20-30 but thats still not enough to lag, Its not lag, Its constant graphic stutters.


Listening to music through a media player wouldn't be a problem. It's because you're streaming a video, running flash and asking the card to perform two tasks at the same time. Any moderately demanding game is going to require the dedicated use of your video card.

The 2D/3D problem seems to crop up alot from running a quick search. I don't know if there's any truth in this however.


Bronze Level Poster
Not being funny, But alot of people i know dont ge this problem from this Gcard. It's not a low end card, it can handle wow, ultra graphics in its sleep. Streaming is internet speed based. How cna i check if the HD6870 is slowing down to 2d speeds when entering utube while Minimixing World of warcraft, and then renetering it, to see if it stays 2d speedS?


I know streaming is internet speed based, I just mean that it cannot be described as lagging when listening to music as it's still playing a video regardless of content.

You're quite right, it's a very fast card.

I can't answer that question but as far as I know YouTube is now GPU reliant. I think the BBC iPlayer may still be CPU reliant. Perhaps you could play content from the BBC iPlayer and see if the problem still occurs? At least then we can identify the cause.


I know, but it would still help if we could be sure of what's causing it. Then it will be easier to rectify.