Hard Drive Failure: 4th time in 14 months.

Bohemian Simian

Active member
Drive failure, 4th time. Just bad luck, or is something else to blame, does anyone think?
- Someone has suggested that, as a certain drive (slot) has failed on 3 of the occasions, it might be a lead, or even a motherboard connector?

I've emailed support but not yet had a response (emailed Saturday and yesterday) - I'm hoping that eventually a replacement drive can be sent. But wondering if the problems may continue, and just thought I'd put this out there while I wait for support to reply (can't access live support during day, due to my work).

Further background on PC.
PC is 14 months old.- I have 3 drives, an SSD boot and 2 standard data drives (say drive 2 and drive 3). Drive 3 failed, was replaced, then drive 2 and 3 failed: it turned out that the drives were not suitable for RAID 0, which I'd bought them set up as. So, PCS replaced the drives with a different model. 6 months later drive 3 has gone again.

This PC is not heavily used, 99% of the little time it is used is for browsing the internet (bought PC for design work but due to terrible first 4 months I set up a design PC at work as a stand-in and still use that), so wear and tear is an unlikely problem.
- Have I just been unlucky with drive life (I'm glad I spent extra on Gold Warranty now) or could there be something else?


Author Level
If you can't ring up during the week 9-5, their call centre is open Saturday morning :) emails normally take 2-3 days I believe, longer when busy.

It does sound a little fishy all those drives failing in such a short amount of time, but then again tech can fail in years or minutes.. You're either really unlucky, or something wrong is afoot :p

Not got any suggestions unfortunately, but give them a ring on Saturday if you can :)

Hope you get it fixed.


Superhero Level Poster
I geuss PCS would have picked this up but possible worth a shot. What kind of motherboard do you have? I'm trying to think if sandybridge was launched 14 months ago? If so and you have one of the dodgy motherboards your problems could be from the SATA ports as their was a problem that could cause a higher failure rate with the first generation of boards. Do you have a sandybridge system?