guild wars 2 release date announced


Superhero Level Poster
Ok one, down. Now Blizz just need to work out a way to get Mists in the picture, either releasing before or shortly after :)


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to it. I love MMO's and have been trying to find one that fills the gap that WoW left in my gaming life after they turned it in to something that I couldn't stand anymore. I've tried so many and none really came close to the awesomeness that was pre-expansion WoW. I hoped SWTOR might do it but whilst the story was fun once I hit level 50 it just felt hollow and pointless to carry on. I'll give GW2 a try and if it doesn't do it for me I think I'll just give up on MMO's and accept that they aren't what they used to be.


Bronze Level Poster
I can't imagine you would be disappointed with GW2, so long as you remember - it is not WoW, pre-expansion or otherwise. Stuff overall works in a different direction, and the feel of the game is less standard MMO, more kind-of actiony (supposedly first person mode is being implemented too?).

Learn to use the dodge mechanic early on, and you'll have tons of fun. Even just from beta, it's the most fun I've ever had in an MMO type game... and I'm picky as hell.


Well-known member
I can't imagine you would be disappointed with GW2, so long as you remember - it is not WoW, pre-expansion or otherwise. Stuff overall works in a different direction, and the feel of the game is less standard MMO, more kind-of actiony (supposedly first person mode is being implemented too?).

Learn to use the dodge mechanic early on, and you'll have tons of fun. Even just from beta, it's the most fun I've ever had in an MMO type game... and I'm picky as hell.

An MMO wouldn't necessarily have to be a complete pre-expansion WoW clone, what I mean is the massive world (not heavily instanced like SWTOR, which is part of what spoiled it so bad IMO) with lots of different provinces each with different landscapes and weather systems, good atmospheric music, that type of thing, but most of all and this is the biggest deal breaker for me - there needs to be a challenge. Part of what made pre-expansion WoW so awesome for me was that you didn't get pointed to every single quest objective by a giant arrow, you actually had to put some work in, read the quest text and find the landmarks pointed out and really look for the object. And you had to work for everything, it wasn't just handed to you on a plate like it is now. That's what I'm looking for.


Bronze Level Poster
I hope you like jumping puzzles then! :D

Definitely not quest text to read though. Stuff really does just happen at you. Haven't managed to play through a dungeon in beta yet, but they certainly look challenging (even the devs still find them challenging). The story-line, the little I have done of it, looks promising too (and the only really guided part of the game, but you can choose to ignore it and go off-roading any time, or just not do it at all) - been trying to save it for release though.

And for fun (and no spoilers), someone made this great 'time-lapse' video of Tyria. You might enjoy. :)

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