GTA 5 and other AAA games unplayable due to microstutter on 780 ti


Silver Level Poster
As the title says I'm getting incredibly annoyed by my computer micro stuttering in intense real world game scenarios. I have tested with furmark, and to the naked eye I cannot see the same results, since I had my GPU replaced the first time, I've had a constant coil whine and when the micro stutter happens, the whining stops for a brief moment. I have tried a clean driver install, removing programs PC to only essentials, re installing windows, removing my CPU overclock, giving the GPU a little more voltage incase it wasn't getting enough. Slightly increased CPU voltage incase it wasn't getting enough, checked my Ram usage and set the games to absolute minimum, none of these have had any effect and I'm not sure where to turn, any help? Or shall I call PCS for that inevitable having to send it back at a hefty cost?

EDIT: After running furmark again and looking a little more closely I can confirm that the stuttering does happen here as well. Any ideas?
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