GPU check- Skyrim capable?


Bronze Level Poster
Ok, after reading and reading and reading.. I have encountered a question..

The GTX 680 will suffice for skyrim at max settings with the graphics mods and high NPC density warzones i intend to add...
BUT- Can the same be said for GTX 570?

I'd be running at 1920x1080, and am looking for no lower than 30fps, preferring 45-60, though I know that seems unlikely perhaps :/

Anyone know if the 570 can handle it, assuming I'm using the i5 3550, 650w PSU, and 8GB of Kingston 1600MH???


Bronze Level Poster
If your not oC'ing then downgrade the ram to 1333mhz it makes no difference unless u oc i am not familiar with skyrim on pc so i couldn't tell ya and u mean the 1.5gb or the 3gb ?


Bronze Level Poster
ahh hmm whats your max budget because the 680 though you will have a wait is a brilliant gpu to get right now will kill most games on ultra which or out right now


Bronze Level Poster
Put it this way- If i can get top performance out of the 570 on a game of skyrim's calibre, i wont want to pay the £200+ extra for increased performance i wont need :/

EDIT: To answer your Q, I'd like to hug tight to £1000 (the 680 pushes me to £1248 -_-)


Biblical Poster
My 570 has maxed out every game ive thrown at it at 1080p with decent fps, so you dont need anything higher


Bronze Level Poster
And that's with the addition of high res textures and heavy duty mods etc. ?

I think ill probably go with the 570, simply because its easier tojustify 1000 than it is 1200 :D


Bronze Level Poster
Nice, that's that then- I simply can't bring myself to make the jump to the 680... 570 it is ! :)


Bronze Level Poster
Ah!!! Right, I've now come across the decision between the 1.25GB 570 and the AMD 2GB 7850... Having looked at Tom's hardware, they are much of a muchness (one or two frames here and there on most games- max settings for both). Still, those one or two did fall in the 570's favour and I've heard good things about Nvidia chips as they support SSAO (at least I thought the 570 does).. BUT- the 7850 is about £30 less, which i know isn't much, but it's too much for +1 fps imo.

Suggestions? I'm using the i5 3550, 8GB 1333MHz RAM etc, so no limits there.


Bronze Level Poster
Thanks for the benchmarks, that's a reassurance about the 570. Any idea whether the £30 cheaper 7850 would be preferable?

Basically, I'm not talking about saving the £30, I'm more concerned with whether Nvidia's SSAO (or any other exclusive advantage- I heard that AMD drivers are a pain to manage) makes the 570 the better option. Otherwise, I'd consider opting for the 7850, and pushing the £30 either to increase the PSU or twoards a low capacity SSD :/


Bright Spark
They have pretty much the same performance - it varies from game to game as to whether Nvidia or AMD are better. As a bit of a generalization the GTX 570 is innately a little quicker but has less VRAM than the 7850. In practical terms this means that the GTX 570 will tend to outperform the HD 7850 at lower resolutions (say 1680x1050 and below) whereas the HD 7850 will edge ahead on the higher resolutions (1900x1200 and above). Of course certain games will buck this trend if they are optimised better for one card or the other.

Given that you will be running at 1900x1080 the performance will be pretty much identical on average so my preference would be to save the £30. Incidentally the 7850 has significantly lower power requirements than the 570 (about 100W less at full load) so the PSU may be less of an issue.