Good job PCS... or not?


Just recieved my Optimus II...

I turn it on, Windows configuration starts and the HDD decides to say farewell (A LOT of noise from the HDD + even the BIOS can't recognize the hard drive + made a test booting from a Windows dvd that says that there are "no hard drives" present).

I'm really ****** off, I wonder who has tested my machine... I need this laptop for work, and I've purchased it because my previous laptop stopped working after four long years of service.

Tomorrow I'll call the customer service to have the HDD replaced... :mad::mad:
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it is most likely that the drive may have dislodged during transit. It has nothing to do with who tested the pc. When it was tested the drive will have been working and installed with a test copy of windows 7. If it has failed then that is unfortunate, but no matter how much testing we do, electrical components do have a failure rate, and we cannot legislate for these. What we can do is swap out faulty components as quickly as possible to get you back up and running.Can i also ask what operaing system you are installing.

Give us a call this morning and the tech adviser will quickly run through with you to check the hdd connection, and arrange an exchange if confirmed faulty.


I've plugged and unplugged the hard drive and started to work (yesterday I did the same but didn't work... Mysteries of computer science :D ).

The only problem is that the HDD sometimes still makes the same strong noise that was making yesterday when was not working (it's like the sound when an HDD is working, only 10x louder).


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I've plugged and unplugged the hard drive and started to work (yesterday I did the same but didn't work... Mysteries of computer science :D ).

The only problem is that the HDD sometimes still makes the same strong noise that was making yesterday when was not working (it's like the sound when an HDD is working, only 10x louder).

It sounds like the drive may have a problem, worth calling us to have it check out i think.