Gcard causing bluescreen and screen resets.


Active member
Hey, got this new pc from pcs few months ago. two days ago i was playin eve online and the gcard kept on revving its fans up to full throttle then reseting the screen if you know wot i mean. Today i was playing wow it did the same thing except it caused a bluescreen.

the card is 1.25GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 570

So it should be able to run both games more than adequately. so if anyone has any insight on what the problem is or of any solutions i can do to solve it, Id be very thankful :)



Active member
With hardware monitor running, I started EvE when the graphics card did its revving up and crash/reset monitor thing. the temp maxed out at 92C / 197F and the fans maxed out at 4050 RPM. I dont know wether this is hot or what for a card. But its what the tech guy from PCS asked me to do today, being the wkend now I doubt ill get any answer from them, so thought Id post this info here incase any bright sparks could shed some light on it for me.

edit: just hit 98C while it was running wow on high settings and crashed.... surely that shouldnt be happening.
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Bright Spark
92C is very hot for a GPU and likely to make it unstable (leading to the crashes you have seen). Normally the fan would prevent the GPU getting this hot, but it may be maxxed out already and just not able to keep up.

You could try manually setting the fans to maximum (assuming they go higher than 4050 RPM) and seeing if the problem still ocurs.

You should also try reinstalling your graphics drivers to see if that helps any.

Have you overclocked the card at all? If so then you need to take that down a bit. If not then the card really shouldn't be getting that hot on factory settings and you may need a replacement. Especially in WoW which isn't particularly hard on the GPU.