Gaming Chair

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Hey Guys,

Just wandering if anyone could suggest any good gaming chairs.

I currently have my set up on a dining room style table, only table i could find that was big enough and just a leather office chair.

Think the foam and the gas in the chair has gone so in the market for a new one, any recommendations would be appreciated or am i just as well getting another office chair?




Personally I'd look for an office chair simply because there's more choice, or at least not restrict myself to looking for 'gaming' chairs. At the end of the day you just need to find a comfy seat to park your rear.

Head to Costco, Makro, Staples, etc. to go 'try some out' - its the best advice I could offer.

Although all the gaming chairs I've seen are pretty cool, typically looking like bucket seats, I'd still prefer to try it before I purchased one.


Biblical Poster
I don't think I saw any office/gaming chairs set up in Costco the last time I went, however I may be wrong. I wasn't really looking out for them. I think Staples would be a better bet and Curry's possibly if you have a huge one like I do.
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