Front USB ports not working


Bronze Level Poster

My new PCS computer finally arrived today and during the process of copying my files from the old pc to the new, i've noticed that the 2 front USB ports don't seem to work.

One port is slightly damaged but not enough to physically prevent inserting a USB however they don't seem to provide any power or anything to the things I plug in. e.g. my external drive doesn't power on or my memory stick doesn't start doing anything. The ports at the back of the computer work however. I will be rather annoyed if i need to blow 50 euros returning the pc from outside of the UK literally as soon as i've gotten it. The small damage to one of the ports I will live with for the sake of ease (if they were to just work) but if they are broken I'll not be happy.

Does anyone have any ideas? Currently I'm installing some windows updates in the slim hopes that that might solve it but I'm not sure otherwise. The headphone jack at the front works, I've not been able to test any of the other ports. I don't know if they are connected to each other though so I'm not sure if the headphone jack working is a good thing or not in terms of the likelyhood that the USB ports are actually broken.

The case is a CM Storm Trooper if that matters.

Hope this is a common problem like something just not being plugged in for when it gets put in transit :/


Couple of things to try, you can first check to make sure they're plugged in on the inside - basically follow the wire from the front USB and make sure its firmly plugged into the motherboard.

Next check in hardware devices to see if any of them have yellow triangles beside them (indicating a problem). You can try to disable and re-enable your device from there to see if that improves it.


Bronze Level Poster
Heya, thanks for the reply. No errors are apparent in the device manager and I've had a look inside but it's difficult to see. The area where the front USB's are is totally masked by wires due to that also being the place for the built-in fan controller and other stuff so it's impossible to tell what those wires mean.

This is what the USB ports looked like. As you can see the right port is slightly damaged and bent out of shape however 'm still able to insert USB devices into it:

Looking inside the computer I found one cable that seemed to have come a little loose which i think was something to do with the USBs but unfortunately that wasn't enough. Looking at the motherboard layout I believe I've found one socket that also has something to do with the USBs and looks like this:

Perhaps cable marked 'USB' should be the one connected and not the other, presumed, USB cable that's already connected? I don't know. I obviously don't want to play around with it that much before I know what i'm doing.


Bronze Level Poster
Yes, the USB cable should be connected if you have enough spare ports (if you don't, remove the Corsair link dongle one). I thought when I was looking inside my CM Stormtrooper case that the front ports were connected to the USB3 connector on the mother board - it may be worth just checking that (in fact, when I had it open over the weekend, the ports stopped working because I had knocked the USB3 connector out - so double check that!).

Since the port is damaged though and it's a new PC that has presumably been damaged in transit, it may be worth just RMAing (it's theoretically possible the damage to the port could have shorted things out - very unlikely, but...). I know my PC came without the X-Dock on the front connected (which required me feeding in a SATA cable and power), but the USB ports were fully functional.


Yeah it looks as though your corsair link is plugged into that USB header there - that USb cable that isn't attached is probably for the front USB's.

You could get in touch with PCS and see if they can send a replacement front panel for your case for you to swap around rather than having to send the entire rig back?


Bronze Level Poster
Hmm, what is Corsair link? If i'm able to unplug that and get my front usb ports working then It'll have to be something mighty good in order for me to not do that. I was guessing that whatever the corsair thing is plugged into, isn't something to do with the USB ports but maybe I'm wrong as the motherboard layout does list 'USB 13' as one of the labels on that socket.

In terms if the damage, while a bit annoying on a system that was nearly 3000 euros, I'll live with it rather than going through the hassle of packing it back up and sending it back and then waiting for it to be sent back. As long as the front ports work and nothing is actually broken then it's not totally the end of the world and probably not worth the 50 euros or so it would cost to send it back when it's something minor that i can probably just carefully bend back myself in order to straighten it out.


Bronze Level Poster
I've also noticed that my speakers and headphones (when plugged in) are putting out a weird static/whirring/squeaking noise when I run a game. Not sure what that's about and I can't seem to find any solutions on google. Only been able to test with one game so far as nothing else is installed but I didn't have these problems using the same speakers on my old computer. Music seems to play totally fine though.

I'm gonna go to bed now so I will have to check for any replies tomorrow morning. Hope to be able to get this all sorted. Hard to tell with things like this if it's just little kinks that need to be ironed out or whether something is majorly wrong and in need of replacement/repair.

Thanks for any replies though and I will see you in the morning :)


Its a tool used by corsair coolers to provide feedback on how the cooler is performing amongst other things, it can link your fans etc. together so they all work in tandem, I don't think its an essential tool for the watercoolers to run though.

EDIT: That link probably isn't as helpful as I'd hoped - its a link to the corsair link commander which you probably don't have (you'll likely have the cooler, h80i or h100i for example, which has corsair link)

As for the damage, I'd still get in touch to see if they'll send you the broken bit for you to replace rather than having to send the whole thing back, better to get it repaired than for it to get worse imo - but it is obviously your call :)


Bronze Level Poster
Heya. Thanks again for the reply.

I do have the H100i in this system and I can think that I don't really need to know the temps of all my stuff more than I need access to USB ports at the front. So you think that I'll be able to just unplug that corsair connector and plug that USB cable in and regain access to them? I just wasn't sure whether or not that connector was vital to the cooling system being able to work (like if it provides any power to the cooler or something).

I still seem to get some rather loud feedback sounds from my little headphones when I'm running games however. My computer speakers seem to make the same noise but at a very low volume (At least right now) so low that the sounds of the game make it inaudiable. I'm not able to test whether or not the sounds are made when I'm using my proper headset due to them needing a USB port for power. - Actually upon using a USB extention cable from the back of the computer, my proper headset also seem to get this same cracking sound which is rather annoying.

Another thing i've noticed is that my computer also emits one short beep sound during the bootup process. I wouldn't be surprised if that's an error beep but I've read some googleings that one short peep is a sign that everything is fine - I just never had one with my old computer but my old computer was old so...

Lastly, as a bit of a noob, could you point me in the right direction as to where/who I need to contact about trying to get a replacement part sent out? It's probably somewhere obvious but I'm not sure where to look:d

Thanks again!


I think you'll be ok unplugging the corsair link cable and plugging in your USB's. You could try it and simply check to see if you get any error messages during boot up.

Not sure what to suggest about the noise coming from your headphones, its very unusual that you would get noise via a usb headset - have you tried to plug it in without the extension? As for the normal headphones, have you tried plugging them in the back of the PC rather than the front audio jack (just to check).

The beep is a POST beep and you are right, a single short beep tends to signify 'All Ok'. So that's a good thing :).

To arrange a RMA you should go to main PCS homepage and login to your account, from there you can arrange a RMA online. However in this case I'd suggest getting in touch either via telephone/email or through the tech support ticket (in your main PCS login page) that way you can ask if they can send the replacement part rather than you having to send the whole PC back. It might not be possible, but its worth asking I'd say.


Bronze Level Poster
Right I will unplug that cable and plug the usb port in and see. I will test first whether or not the static noise still happens when my headset is plugged into the back of the computer (although I would think that it will as that's where my speakers are plugged in). I'll obviously power down the pc while doing this so I'll be back in a short while with any updates.

Thanks for helping tho :)


Bronze Level Poster
Ok so first things first, the headset and little headphones both work totally fine when plugged into the back and any cracking the speakers may or may not actually make must be so quiet that it's not noticible and I wonder did it make those sounds in the first place.

I now just did this and the 2 front USB ports work.. to a fashion. The left port now seems totally operational however the right port (the one that was damaged) doesn't regognise anything. It does however seem to provide power to some extent as my memory stick lights up and I'm able to use that port for the USB power lead on my headset - with the headset then working.

Putting my memory stick into the left port causes the computer to pick it up in a few seconds but putting it into the right port only makes it light up (lights don't flicker either).

I still get the annoyingly loud strange noises when using either my headphones or headset and the front audio jack. I've read that some people say it's because of the cables on the inside touching or some such but there's fat chance of me being able to work out what's going on inside due to this: - That's up the top directly where the USB and audio jacks are and the fan controller etc. I couldn't get a super good angle for the photo as the camera didn't fit there but it's obviously just a mess of wires so who knows what is going on there. - This shows the previous photo in some more context

I have the feeling that the right USB port is malfunctional probably due to whatever caused the damage and they'll need replacing. Looking at the inside of the computer there I wouldn't have any idea where to even start if I think about trying to do that myself however (which is quite annoying). I will contact PCS and inquire with them to see what the deal is. In the event that I need to send the computer back for repairs I wonder will they be able to figure out/fix the cause of the annoying static noises with the front audio jack.

What do ye recon? Oh and still no errors in the device manager and the computer seems fine without having the corsair link plugged in (as far as my very minimal use has been since booting it up and typing this).


Edit: I can't seem to find any contact email. I've found phone numbers but living outside of the UK, I don't really want to be phoning. - Oh I found an email.
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Well its good that you've managed to troubleshoot the issues - when you get in touch with PCS I'd refer them to this thread, it'll help them to see whats been going on and the photo's will also help!

You could try your rear usb ports to make sure they work correctly but I'm guessing the problems you're experiencing with the front ones are caused by the damage they've sustained.


Bronze Level Poster
Ah yeah the rear usb ports all seem to be working - that's where I have keyboard and mouse + external drive so I've tested all of those. I've written them an email explaining the issues and attached the pictures to that. Hopefully I'll get a response either later today or tomorrow. I'm highly expecting to have to return the computer which will be disappointing as I'm wanting to play dem games. Not to mention the fact that it rather halts my plans to turn over my old computer to my girlfriend and involves a bunch more hassle swapping the computers around again and then having to faff about organising the return of this computer.

It's a shame as it has rather spoilt my 'new computer experience' and I can't really get that excited about doing anything with this computer when I know I'll likely not have access to it for a good 2-3 weeks or more soon.

We'll see what they reply with anyway. Thanks for your input though, It's appreciated :)


Bronze Level Poster
Heya again. I'm not sure if this is anything but I noticed my computer did the 1 short beep... twice. By that I mean it did a short beep then a little while later during bootup it beeped again. These beeps were not close enough together for me to think that it was 2 short beeps in a row. This is on the ASUS MAXIMUS VII GENE mobo but I don't seem able to find out much about the beep codes :s


Heya again. I'm not sure if this is anything but I noticed my computer did the 1 short beep... twice. By that I mean it did a short beep then a little while later during bootup it beeped again. These beeps were not close enough together for me to think that it was 2 short beeps in a row. This is on the ASUS MAXIMUS VII GENE mobo but I don't seem able to find out much about the beep codes :s

Were you watching the monitor at the time? It could have restarted during boot up (for some reason?). Also after it happened did it boot up normally?

If it happens repeatedly I'd maybe do some more investigating but if it only happened once and doesn't happen again I wouldn't be overly concerned.


New member
A Possible Solution


My new PCS computer finally arrived today and during the process of copying my files from the old pc to the new, i've noticed that the 2 front USB ports don't seem to work.

One port is slightly damaged but not enough to physically prevent inserting a USB however they don't seem to provide any power or anything to the things I plug in. e.g. my external drive doesn't power on or my memory stick doesn't start doing anything. The ports at the back of the computer work however. I will be rather annoyed if i need to blow 50 euros returning the pc from outside of the UK literally as soon as i've gotten it. The small damage to one of the ports I will live with for the sake of ease (if they were to just work) but if they are broken I'll not be happy.

Does anyone have any ideas? Currently I'm installing some windows updates in the slim hopes that that might solve it but I'm not sure otherwise. The headphone jack at the front works, I've not been able to test any of the other ports. I don't know if they are connected to each other though so I'm not sure if the headphone jack working is a good thing or not in terms of the likelyhood that the USB ports are actually broken.

The case is a CM Storm Trooper if that matters.

Hope this is a common problem like something just not being plugged in for when it gets put in transit :/

I had an issue with the USB2.0 front ports not working since I built this computer last year. I finally decided to look into it today. glad I did. I verified that I had connected the USB 2.0 header to the motherboard, which I had. I then took off both side panels and the top panel. I removed the USB/audio/fan control assembly and looked underneath where the USB ports are mounted. To my relief, I found the USB 2.0 connectors were not seated into the back of the port headers. Actually, they weren't even near them. they probably came out in shipping, or were inadvertently pulled out at time of assembly. there is not a lot of slack on them. When you remove the panel assembly. you will need to loosen the wire loom that is attached to the right side of the case. it was an easy fix. you don't need to remove the circuit board from the plastic assembly housing; just remove the entire assembly. there are 2 screws on each side holding it down, and one screw on each side for the ground wires. I hope this helps somebody else.