First start, oobelanguage


Bronze Level Poster
First power on, says "something went wrong" I can try again or skip this step. Was after I chose the language.

In red it says "oobelanguage".

I don't really want to skip steps, and I can't power off as it's been repeatedly said I should not do that during the first time it's turned on. What should I do?


The Awesome
Its possible the OOBE (Out Of the Box Experience) process went wrong, this can sometimes happen and unfortunately its not actually test-able by PCS as it a run once process.

If you can just press skip I'd skip past any erroring steps - you can normally just set these things up in Windows anyway after that initial setup - and hopefully it'll default to UK-English or US-English anyway,
Though sometimes when that OOBE process goes wrong it can require a Windows clean install to fix anything that has gone wrong
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