Far Cry4!


Bright Spark
Personally I found Far Cry 3 to have the same issues as 2, those being that it is rather repetative. Given the recent diabolical with Ubisoft's uPlay I can't be bothered with it.


Author Level
I hated far cry 3 but i love blood dragon which leads me to believe that its just the story i didn't like. Or more likely im not great at it.


Prolific Poster
Far Cry 3 was great but I agree that it was very repetitive and I grew bored of it after like half of the 1st island. It's not that it was a bad game or anything... It just seemed like the survival aspect disappeared very quickly and in my first night of playing it I had pretty much all the guns I needed (yes I know those special weapons start getting unlocked later on but I wasn't thinking of that). I don't know, I just felt if they were gonna turn it into a young lad who has to learn how to be a survivor, they could have made it last a bit longer before turning him into a super human killing machine.

Just started playing Tomb Raider last night as well. As much as I love it I fear it's going down the same route. I'm this scared little girl trying to survive being stabbed by all sorts of things in the environment and then all of a sudden I run into a room, 5+ mercenaries have their machine guns sight on me and somehow I manage to take them on single handedly? That escalated quickly.


Author Level
Yeah, Tomb Raider was way too easy, i think the only time i died was either trying to work out how to work the QTE or i mucked up a jump.


Rising Star
I'm still playing through 3. I think I left off a bit after the flamethrower part, or maybe some further than that. I find it funny that you can earn those points by completing certain things in the game, and one of the DLC-things you can get with the points for each game I've got is always a wallpaper for your desktop, go back to sleep Uplay, I'll be getting something more worthy than a Wallpaper with them points.


Author Level
I'm still playing through 3. I think I left off a bit after the flamethrower part, or maybe some further than that. I find it funny that you can earn those points by completing certain things in the game, and one of the DLC-things you can get with the points for each game I've got is always a wallpaper for your desktop, go back to sleep Uplay, I'll be getting something more worthy than a Wallpaper with them points.

Yeah, the wallpapers you can just google and get them, the most usefull game i found with the Uplay points is Spilntercell Conviction, you could get some good guns and add ons with it but the assassins creed stuff was just meh.


Rising Star
Far Cry 3 gave some Co-op mission for free, I think. But I don't usually go on Co-op with any game. :S I prefer to play the offline story alone, and online usually stick to Deathmatches with that sort of game. Which reminds me, I haven't tried FC3 online yet.