Fallout 3


Bright Spark
Does that game actually get good or is it boring all the way through?

So I'm in the wasteland, they got that right. There's some dog chasing me which eventually catches up to me and does damage so I HAVE to fight all the dogs.

I go into some school, waste all my ammo shooting people, realise there's too many people and I don't have any health left so I go. Using guns seems pretty impractical in this game.

Oh look a building with no door.

There's some houses, any ones I can go in? No, just boarded up houses, then a dog comes round the corner, someone is shooting at me in the distance. I'm moving like a slug and just get owned by a dog.



Master Poster
thats pretty much how i thought the game was RAGE on the other hand i thought was good but too short. not sure what the newest fallout is like but im guessing if its anything like fallout 3 it takes a while to get into.


Bright Spark
thats pretty much how i thought the game was RAGE on the other hand i thought was good but too short. not sure what the newest fallout is like but im guessing if its anything like fallout 3 it takes a while to get into.

I think it's just my patience these days. I got Mortal Kombat, it's good but I get to a certain point where I'm stuck because I'm not good enough, the only way to get past it is to carry on playing. If you stop and come back to it you won't be able to play at the required level to get past that stage.

That's why I play games and don't come back to them, if I give up or stop playing for whatever reason near the end or on a hard level there's no way I can come back after months of not playing and be able to be good at it to get past the hard part.

I guess this is why multiplayer games were invented.


Prolific Poster
Fallout 3 and New Vegas i find are both really good but untill you get your stats leveled up for your weapons especially and you manage to get some decent armour you do get owned quite a lot it just makes you work for it for a while.


Super Star
I personally love Fallout, thought 3 and New Vegas were both brilliant however I can understand why people can't get into them since it does take a lot longer then your average RPG to get into, I guess they are just like marmite, you either love it or you hate it.


Superhero Level Poster
Fallout 3 is long. This is a good thing :D But as said above, it does mean it can take a while to get into, and progress through the early story.

But when you are knee deep in mutants and ghouls, with only a katana and an apple core left...just remember 3 important letters...

Some would say these letters are P.M.A :)

But as the ghouls will still rip you a new one, the 3 letters are actually "tgm"...that's all i'm sayin' :D


Bright Spark
im sure its good once u get into it, but right now i have a gun which i have to completely empty to kill 4 people.

then its me and a load of dogs attacking me, i have a baseball bat and that's it.

i wont be giving it another chance, just like alone in the dark, which is probably an epic game but dear god i cannot for the life of me get over how poorly designed that game is, driving sequence anyone?


Are you using that VATS system? Even if you aren't if shouldn't take that much ammo to kill people, you shooting them in the knees or something? I don't know how you're having such problems, maybe I'm just a bit of a veteran at the Fallout games but I didn't find this one particularly challenging.


Bright Spark
lol! Perhaps they take too much ammo relative to the amount of ammo I have, it seemed like they were taking too much ammo, especially in relation to how much ammo I could find, and how ammo I needed.

I went into the school, killed quite a few people yet I could still hear them saying stuff about me hiding, knew I didn't have enough ammo and gave up in that place!

I don't know about the difficulty tbh


Prolific Poster
At the start of the game collect everything you can find like all the tin cans and empty bottles (even if you end up overloaded and slow if you want to do it in 1 go) there are loads lying about in the first town you walk down to on the way to megaton then sell it and get yourself some ammo from the woman in megaton think it's moira if you have more stuff than she can buy then sell what you can and skip forward 2-3 days it just takes a little bit of scavenging and trading at the begining but as has already been said you either like it or hate it, i have played well over 600 hours on it with 4 or 5 playthroughs but i enjoy the free roam go and do what you want when you want plus there are all the mods you can add on from the fallout nexus site so if you want to make it super easy like killing someone on CoD (OMG why did that guy not die with 1 shot from my 10mm pistol) then get yourself a god weapon that people have modded but this will ruin the experience of leveling up your character.

Best advice ever for any game if you don't like it don't play it ;)