All great in their time, Im a sandboxy person so for me it's triffic.
The mod scene is what sets games like morrowind/oblivion/fallout3 apart from the rest.
Without the mods, IMHO, the games would be good, but not great.
Also, i like the choice of have 1st or 3rd person perspectives.
So many games limit you to one or the other and I for one hate 3rd person only games, just cant get on with it, which is a shame as im missing out on loads of classic gaming.
Max payne series, for example, was verboten to me, until the FP mods came out, then I loved em!
Give us the choice devs!
opps went off on another rant.
Back OT, love any open game. sandbox and moddable is key for me.
The Elder scrolls series, even precursors to morrowind were all great for their time, but morrowind onwards is the best bits for me.
yeah .you are right ,the sandbox style can be gerat when done well. i just especially love the fantasy setting of morrowind and oblivion coupled with the open world,