iv just noticed that both of my DVD rw are not showing in My computer i have looking in device manger and it show that there r there but they have a warning sign as shown in the picture below:
i have made sure all driver are up to date...now im stuck..
Try deleting the UpperFilters\LowerFilters registry entry
Start Registry Editor Click Start, type regedit in the quick search, and then click the regedit icon in the search results. Registry Editor starts.
1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
2. Expand SYSTEM
3. Expand ControlSet001
4. Expand Control
5. Expand Class
6. Search for the key {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and left click on it, bringing the values up on the right
In the right hand pane (topic area), you may have Upperfilters, Lowerfilters or both, click UpperFilters if you have it, and delete it, if you have LowerFilters as well, delete this also. If you only have one of the two, just delete that one, don't worry about the one that isn't there.
Glad it worked for you.
For anyone else who comes across the same problem and the Code 19 error appears in device manager,the above registry fix will usually sort it out.
Why are these upper/lower filters even there if you can delete them without causing any other problems? The only thing they seem to do is cause the above problem.
Why are these upper/lower filters even there if you can delete them without causing any other problems? The only thing they seem to do is cause the above problem.