Do Overclocked CPU's improve your FPS in games


Bronze Level Poster
hey guys , another question

Do Overclocked CPU's improve your FPS in games enough to make it worth while?

and how much does overclocking shorten your CPU life span ?



Prolific Poster
alot of people overclock for gamign because they think it will make a difference, they are generally mistaken.

Overclocking is great for very cpu intensive tasks, this could be 3D rendering, games such as FSX where there is a lot of scenery to load (this is one of the only games that really needs masses of cpu power).


Bronze Level Poster
ill be getting the i7 to future proof my rig , should i get the K version so i could future proof it more with OCing?

i also noticed you have a overclocked specific rig on your sig , is that because you play FSX and do 3 monitor 3d veiwing?

is 3d worth getting , i was looking in to it?


Prolific Poster
i dunno about 3D i dont have it, I overclock because I do a lot of mathematics priocessing, matlab work, 3D modelling, games design, all of which benefit from overclocking, it just happens I polay games too.