I've had my PC for over a year now and I was going to start overclocking it today but I noticed the CPU temperatures seem quite high.
When running Prime95 with stock speed core temp is 65C and CPU temp 57C
(Idle is around 46C for both)
My system
CPU: AMD x4 955 BE
Motherboard: M4n98td evo
GPU: Nvidia 560 Ti
CPU cooler: Titan TTC-NK35TZ (KU) series
Are these temperatures too high. (BTW I've raised the multiplier to 18 while running Prime95 and it got up to 69C core 59C cpu, running fine.)
When running Prime95 with stock speed core temp is 65C and CPU temp 57C
(Idle is around 46C for both)
My system
CPU: AMD x4 955 BE
Motherboard: M4n98td evo
GPU: Nvidia 560 Ti
CPU cooler: Titan TTC-NK35TZ (KU) series
Are these temperatures too high. (BTW I've raised the multiplier to 18 while running Prime95 and it got up to 69C core 59C cpu, running fine.)