Code 19 Error on Pioneer BDR-207DBK


A Code 19 Error has just appeared on my Blu-Ray drive.

I've tried to fix it through Microsoft Support's suggestions including the "Fix-It" application but nothing has worked.

I've tried the hardware troubleshooter in Windows to re-install the driver and that fails. I wasn't given a driver CD for the BR Drive so I can't try a manual uninstall and re-install as far as I can see.

The Pioneer website is also poor offering only a Firmware update as a download and nothing else.

Automatic Updating of Windows is on, and all recent updates have been installed properly.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next.

Suggestions would be much appreciated. :)


Member Resting in Peace
Try deleting the UpperFilters\LowerFilters registry entry
Start Registry Editor Click Start, type regedit in the quick search, and then click the regedit icon in the search results. Registry Editor starts.
1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
2. Expand SYSTEM
3. Expand ControlSet001
4. Expand Control
5. Expand Class
6. Search for the key {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and left click on it, bringing the values up on the right
In the right hand pane (topic area), you may have Upperfilters, Lowerfilters or both, click UpperFilters if you have it, and delete it, if you have LowerFilters as well, delete this also. If you only have one of the two, just delete that one, don't worry about the one that isn't there.