Blue pattern over screen

Hey guys so recently had to reboot my computer. Had a few complication along the way so i'm back using Windows 7 (from Windows 10). Long story short since the reboot my display wont fit my monitor, and I have this like blue pattern/grid over my display, everything else seems to be working as usual.

I downloaded and installed all new drivers for my NVIDIA 670, but everything seems to still be the same. I have 2 monitors (Iiyama Prolite e2483hs') and its doing the same on both monitors when I try them. Tried playing around with the buttoms on the actual monitors themselves but still nothing. Any help would be appreciated.



Multiverse Poster
If your CPU has integrated graphics, try removing the GPU and seeing if this still happens..
Okay so I checked the device manager, it's showing that Windows has stopped my graphics card because it's reported problems (code 43).