Benchmarking Stuff


The Awesome
So, with the imminent arrival of my new PC, I was wondering if there was any benchmarking stuff that I could use to compare my old machine with my new one (and see how far my old one does get squished into the ground :)).

I know there was a thread about Vantage, but Vantage refuses to run on XP, so anybody any good suggestion for free to use benchmarking stuff that will run on both XP and Win7?


The Awesome
Busy downloading the FF benchmark and the Heaven Unigine one - it's taking a while given I'm playing online games though :)


Super Star
FF benchmark is slightly Borked tbh, there is a post in the forums about it, but its still worth a shot!



The Awesome
Ok, so much for that plan.
The FF one tells me I'm missing a DirectX sounding dll, and the Unigine one gives me a rather lovely fatal error message


Super Star
lol, u need to make sure u dl the latest dx drivers for ff to work.. as for the fatal error i got no clue am afraid, try google :)



Well-known member
try google... tech support instruction number 2, just after have you tried turning it off an on again...


The Awesome
The fatal error is caused by it trying to find a unigine.cfg file which does not appear to be where its looking, or anywhere in its folder. So dunno why it isn't there.
Might update the directx drivers once I've got my new machine, I'd rather not screw this one up, it works perfectly fine playing my game at the moment (if a bit slow).


Super Star
ok no probs.. i think thats what i had to do but tbh i cant remember, (i've done alot of jigging about the past few weeks) with updating and downloading :/ haha



Master Poster
The fatal error is caused by it trying to find a unigine.cfg file which does not appear to be where its looking, or anywhere in its folder. So dunno why it isn't there.
Might update the directx drivers once I've got my new machine, I'd rather not screw this one up, it works perfectly fine playing my game at the moment (if a bit slow).

Hmmm what Unigine Benchmark is it? I'm just curious, Heaven should work on XP.