Just in case I am being a biff, New vortex II arrived on Tuesday, due to working away I didn't get to see it until today, now everything is fine apart from one thing. The batteries don't charge, either of them, and the laptop doesn't power on without a battery inserted. All the indications are present. power light and battery charge light the power light goes green when switched on. In windows it initial shows charging battery then stops after a few seconds, I would say around ten. I have raised through tech support, But i thought I'd ask in here just in case I missed something important.
Got the multimeter out and checked the power supply. The output voltage is swinging from 17v up to just below 19v As it's voltage is supposed to be 19V I pretty certain that is the problem. I checked my wifes laptop power supply and the meter was steady, reading a bit below what it should be but only by a few 10ths of a volt which could be the meter.
Got the multimeter out and checked the power supply. The output voltage is swinging from 17v up to just below 19v As it's voltage is supposed to be 19V I pretty certain that is the problem. I checked my wifes laptop power supply and the meter was steady, reading a bit below what it should be but only by a few 10ths of a volt which could be the meter.
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