I have Far Cry 3, Origins, Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, GRID 2 and BF4 all on the go at the same time so I don't get to spend a lot of time on each. I didn't like Origins as much as City either when I first played it, I'll have to give it some more love and see how it goes.
I just couldn't get into the 1st one, and never went back. My lad had me playing it a bit recently and I still don't like it...I've never been a big fan of hack and slash / beat 'em up type games, or the 3rd person perspective.
It just doesn't feel like much of a game when you are just hammering buttons.
I know this probably goes against the general consensus. Maybe I'll get into it if I continue. Or was the 1st one not as good??
To be honest, if you didn't enjoy it then maybe its just not for you. I quite enjoy those types of games in their own rights, the gameplay comes from the puzzle solving (minor) and storyline aspects. Granted they've all got a very similar formula. Go to point A, press buttons to defeat bad guys, collect item b, go to point c, rinse - repeat.