AMD 5900X Question

so I got fed up after 51 working days of waiting for the 3080/5900x combo and swapped out the 3080 for a 6900XT (which was not listed as on pre order so my assumption is it's currently in stock).

can anyone give me intel on the situation with the AMD 5900x CPU's please? At this stage I am seriously considering swapping it out for an I9 as World of Warships is not going to benefit from RTX lighting or a monstrous CPU as it stands!

as an aside, is it possible to allow customers who previously selected 'AMD or Intel' based machines get the option to switch from Intel to AMD and vice versa please? I'd amend the order myself but am unable to even see yet select an Intel based rig and I am pretty fed up with calling/emailing/leaving telephone messages that go unanswered for days on end (appreciate you are super busy/covid/global shortage, its not a complaint)!

Any help appreciated!
Just so you know no one who works at PCS posts here (apart from the odd update post). It’s a community forum

you can’t switch from Intel to Amd without speaking to PCS.

I really wouldn’t recommend switching to Intel anyway.

what monitor are you using and what are you using the PC for? We can advise on any recommendations then. (Also posting your full specs will help)
Just so you know no one who works at PCS posts here (apart from the odd update post). It’s a community forum

you can’t switch from Intel to Amd without speaking to PCS.

I really wouldn’t recommend switching to Intel anyway.

what monitor are you using and what are you using the PC for? We can advise on any recommendations then. (Also posting your full specs will help)
oh! I did not! My expectations were that there would be admins and moderators over here! Thanks for the info. I'll manage my expectations accordingly. The monitor in question is a very nice one and it's been sitting in a box looking very sad since before xmas!
As for speaking to PCS, lol, i have tried several times (including waiting for 4 hours in a queue one day) so I can't actually get through to them to change the order. If they don't want to pay for more support staff surely the logical answer is to allow the customer to amend the order themselves? (especially in these crazy times)
If I had an option to cancel the entire order and do a new build from scratch based on Intel CPU and a 6900 XT I would prefer to do that than try and contact PCS and wait 5+ days for an email response or never get through on the phone (i notice now it just asks you to leave a message, doesn't even give you the option to join yet alone a call back function ) That's the sorry truth, not my humble opinion!


Grand Master
You can cancel your build and then spec a new build, but without speaking to PCS that would would put you further back in the build queue. However, having waited so long, it would be a real shame to downgrade to an inferior platform. If you look at the 5900x/5950x thread, you will see that builds are happening. It is just a matter of waiting it out.


Bronze Level Poster
I've about the same WD as you and my 5900X build went into build and testing today, I believe they got a shipment over the weekend or at the start of the week, but the tracking forum had a post from someone saying that a rep told them they have a shipment of 5900Xs in Week 3/4 of Feb. Surely wouldn't be too long now if the 5900X wasn't swapped in at a later date than your initial order date.
i got a mail today saying my rig had been built and was now in test! looks like those CPU's got a restock, pleased I switched out the 3080 for the 5900XT and got this thing moving again!