Hi All,
Spec check please;
This will be my main gaming/work laptop (work is boring and only needs a netbook).
Main objective is to compete against a friend's MSI GT77 laptop with a slightly faster cpu but without the watercooling.
Thoughts and suggestions welcomed. Oh, and the RAIDed SSDs...
Already ordered but happy to hear/read comments.
How are the freebie games claimed?
(Also, anyone know what Clevo model this is?)
Hi Folks,
I'm looking for a new gaming laptop as my MSI GT60 (GTX870m) has met its end.
I believe the Skyfire is a msi whitebox gt60? Can anyone tell me if this is correct as it looks different to my previous gt60.
Also, if it is a gt60, is it possible to add the msi super raid daughterboard...