Would you recommend waiting a bit for the price to go down? I thought it would've been a set price but I also can't really wait months and months for a new pc as my current one just about turns on
Really like the look of this one, just wanted to confirm a few bits before going ahead with it. Will that Network card be fine for connecting to the internet at a strength that will allow me to consistently live stream? And will it allow me to play high end games on high settings without any issues?
So I've put this together using the new 5070 Ti and I've decided to go with this because I'm going to buy this monitor when it becomes available: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0D966ZJGR/ref=sw_img_1?smid=A2OAJ7377F756P&th=1
Once again I don't really know much about PCs but I used the...
So I’ve been thinking about it, I’ll probably be able to buy a new monitor in like a month or two so would it not be easier to just add the better graphics card in now? I’m just thinking it’ll probably save me a bit in terms of sending the PC away to put the graphics card in.
I really like the price of this build, never used an AMD Radeon graphics card before do you think it'll run high end games fine as well as being able to stream/ record them? Also I'm looking for a case with very little to non RGB lights in and by the looks of the one you've added here the fans...
I plan on using the £2500-2700 for the PC and the monitors were going to be later down the line, maybe in 6-12 months but I would spend maybe about £300-400 per monitor
I was unaware of this. Do they release the new hardware there and then or is it released like a few months down the line because ideally I would like a new pc within the next month or so because my current one is clinging on to life and I'd rather not keep pulling money out to fix it
Hi guys,
Currently looking for a new PC and I have no idea where to even start, I don't really have much knowledge on PC Specs so would appreciate some help.
Monitor - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DTN4BM8?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title I currently have 2x of these monitors but will most...
So I've just got one more question but it might be a silly one but I feel like I need to ask it so I can understand it a bit more. I can't connect my pc straight to the router via ethernet due to it being too far away, do I need to add a wireless network card to the pc?
So I've just had a look through that thread and I really like that PC but would it work with the monitors that I am currently using and would it allow me to livestream without any issues? I've linked my monitors further up in this thread
I couldn't find exact specs for my monitors but I've got 2x of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07DTN4BM8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Uses: I want to use the PC for gaming, live streaming and video editing/processing
Budget: At most I want to spend £3000 but if...
Hi guys
I've currently got a PC that I spent maybe £800-£900 on and I'm looking for a full upgrade and I've got a budget of around £3000 but I have literally no idea where to even start when it comes to PCs. I want to use it to play pretty much any game I want on quite high settings as I would...