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  1. H

    PCSPECIALIST looking for advice

    Well ok thx for your advice I guess, I’m still gonna buy it though. I’m not planning on upgrading any component in the future, I’m just gonna use it for 5/6 years until it dies and then buy a brand new one just like I’m doing now with my 5 years old laptop that’s my philosophies. I posted the...
  2. H

    PCSPECIALIST Monitor Asus

    I’m just a casual gamer I don’t need anything special, a 75Hz monitor will do just fine and I’m used to play with a 16 inches laptop so 22 is big enough for me. My budget is around 150€
  3. H

    PCSPECIALIST Monitor Asus

    Hi, does anyone know if the Asus monitor (ASUS VP229HE 21.5") is solid? I can't find a better and cheaper monitor in my country so I might as well get that together with the pc, also the stand looks pretty good and stable
  4. H

    PCSPECIALIST looking for advice

    Okok thankyou both for your replies, as I said I'm just a casual gamer I don't have to do anything special with that build I play mostly Genshin and Ow2. Yeah I know that my budget is limited but I haven't considered getting a console cause I really don't like playing with pad and also I use the...
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    PCSPECIALIST looking for advice

    Hi, I tried to ask for advice in my country's forum but instead of helping they started making fun of my build/question so I'm asking here in the uk forum hoping that you can help me out. First of all I want to say that this my fist build (I've never built a pc before) and I'm looking for a...
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    PCSPECIALIST Controllo configurazione e chiarimenti

    Quindi secondo voi ho bisogno di una 3060 per giocare a League/Genshin/Hearthstone quando gioco tranquillamente da 5 anni con una 950M, non avete il mio stesso concetto di budget graphic card e budget pc. Comunque ok non mi sono offeso io il mio pc i5/1650 lo buildo lo stesso, semplicemente mi...
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    PCSPECIALIST Controllo configurazione e chiarimenti

    Ciao, forse ci siamo capiti male con questa build non devo fare nulla di speciale giocare in 1080p a me va più che bene ed una gtx1650 è più che sufficiente. Detto questo vorrei capire cosa intendi con 'build pessima e completamente sbilanciata' (la cpu non vabene? la scheda madre non va bene?)...
  8. H

    PCSPECIALIST Controllo configurazione e chiarimenti

    Salve a tutti. sono abbastanza inesperto infatti questo è il mio primo pc che configuro (usavo un vecchio laptop i7 6th gen, gtx 950m; 8gb ram e vorrei fare un salto di qualità senza però spendere troppo). Mi sono un po' informato online ma volevo comunque chiedere supporto qui sul forum per...