Thanks mate, I shouldn't need more storage. I was under the assumption I'd need a main storage drive and the M2 SSD's we're complimentary. Didn't know that I could use two M2s and omit the storage drive. Thanks!
Hi mate, thanks for taking the time to put that together. Got a couple of questions about the build, forgive me if they're stupid!
I see that motherboard has built in WiFi, from a quick bit of research is it using the same AX200 from my build? The access to 5ghz is important for me, plus the...
Hi guys,
Put together this Intel build to be used for gaming. Want a good base to upgrade to upgrade from, I know nothing is futureproof but I don't want something I'll end up having to replace in a few years.
See spec below, Any thoughts/suggestions? I think maybe a better case for airflow is...