It has now went to testing on day 16. Called them up because I can only be on the spot on the weekend so I confirmed that my PC will arrive on Saturday this week. The excitement is realll !!!!
15 days and mine has went in to building. They called me up saying that the 5 fans I picked do not fit in my case and had to be switched with 3, got a refund for the 2 other fans. Currently very satisfied. Cant wait for my rig and first windows machine. Heres the specs if anyones interested...
Thank you for the suggestions. No, I currently only have an old Mac laptop. Just ordered my PC today, will order a monitor, keyboard ect, at the start of october.
Im thinking of getting the 32 inch 1440p 144hz Samsung G5, but probably will upgrade to something 4K in a year. My budged is around 3000 pounds for the computer itself and then around 700 for all the periferals.
I have always been a mac user so this is all quite new to me so would love to hear some advice.
Will mostly use this for Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects work and would love to be able to play the newest games on highest settings without lag? Would this be good enough or is it...