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  1. R

    PCSPECIALIST Checking build + question about difficulty to disassemble

    Yeah, I mean I will be getting the key of Windows just so I get the W11 upgrade haha. Ok about the hard disks, did not realize about that, thanks man. Ok again with the M2, now I understand, makes sense, thanks.
  2. R

    PCSPECIALIST Checking build + question about difficulty to disassemble

    It was just a reference. This build was 2280£. But yeah agree, I will go for a 1440p monitor. Thanks
  3. R

    PCSPECIALIST Checking build + question about difficulty to disassemble

    -About the windows: My last PC I used it for almost 2 years and half with windows test version XD and really, never needed to have the normal version -Yeah, might go get a better monitor, I'm still figuring out. 4TB barracuda... what do you mean by "slow" (sorry if the question sounds stupid) I...
  4. R

    PCSPECIALIST Checking build + question about difficulty to disassemble

    Hey first thanks in advance to whoever spend some time helping/advising. 1- So first, as for context: I Will be using primarily the PC for gaming (high end games such as battlefield etc), but as well for game development (mainly personal projects/indie dev, nothing high scale) so will use 3d...