Search results

  1. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Website Suggestions

    Hey everyone, I've not been on for quite a long time now (busy with work :surrender:) but I still recommend you to people and one of them recently put an order through here :sorcerer: Anyway, after looking at the current site i've had a few thoughts: -It would be helpful if you made it...
  2. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Really Cheap Games

    I found this website a couple of days ago after talking with a couple of friends and it's got some awesome deals: I picked up Battlefield 3 for £22 and Saints Row 3 for £15, the prices seem to fluctuate though. After paying for a game you'll get an e-mail...
  3. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Website Suggestions

    Just a couple of suggestions: -More emotions, it would be nice if there were a wider range of ones to use. I think these ones are free: -Remove the 10 character minimum on posts, it's just kind of annoying sometimes :D
  4. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Grounding Issue?

    Hi, sometimes when I plug my earphones into the front of the corsair 600t case it reboots itself which seems to be due to the static from the plug in not being grounded properly. Is there something I can do to fix this? Also, (not really a serious problem just a bit annoying) when my HD6870...
  5. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST My Unboxing Video for my New Computer!

    So after a three hour wait! I finally managed to upload the video to youtube. My PC arrived this morning, had a call from the DHL driver at 8:30 (woke me up lol) checking to make sure that I would be in at 9:00 which was pretty cool :) I'd just like to apologise in advance for the lighting and...
  6. Phoenix


    I've just ordered a new computer for my mum, the old dell she was using was starting to have multiple issues so this new P.C. should be a nice improvement: Case COOLERMASTER ELITE 310 BLUE CASE Processor (CPU) AMD ATHLON II X4 630 (2.80GHz/2MB CACHE/AM3) Motherboard ASUS® M4A78LT-M: mATX...
  7. Phoenix


    I tried to post in the other thread which was about BIOS being discontinued but it's closed now ( Anyway, here's a video showing the new graphics user interface, can't understand what's being said but oh...
  8. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST A collection of excellent cases

    I've found a few cases that not only look pretty cool but also have good cooling. Firstly the new amazing Fractal Design Define R3 case: Not only is it built for silent operation but also manages to outperfom the Cooler Master CM 690 II and corsair 600t while only costing £89.99...
  9. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Rumor: Sandy Bridge Release Date

    It looks like the new processors will be unveiled between the 3rd and 5th of January then released on the 9th: Hopefully Bulldozer will be released shortly after :D
  10. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Suggestions

    I've got a few suggestions: 1. When using the post to forums button after building a P.C. it would be better if each of the headings retained their bold font to save people time re-bolding or leaving spaces between each section. 2. Add the weight of each of the cases to the detailed...
  11. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Avatar + Signature limits

    It looks like quite a lot of members don't have an avatar and it seems like the the restriction on image size is too much, how about increasing it to 75kb for an avatar and signature picture? It's really quite difficult getting pictures below 19.5kb and 9.8kb.
  12. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Hitler + GTX480 = lol

    This hitler scene has been done a few times about various things but I found this version about the GTX480 hilarious:
  13. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST System Configurator Error?

    The system configurator says that the CoolIT Freezone Elite Cooler will fit into the Coolermaster 690 II case even though the COOLIT ECO C240 A.L.C won't fit in. I would have thought that if the C240 can't fit it the Elite wouldn't fit either due to its' larger size.
  14. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Limited amount of CPU's that can be overclocked, why?

    Why is there such a small amount of CPU's available in the Overclocked section? It would be nice to see a larger variety included like the 4 core phenom black edition processors.
  15. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Monitor Descriptions

    In the drop down list for picking a monitor the second and third TFT monitors are listed as having 2ms but in the information box about the screens it says that they have 5ms and 8ms. I'm not sure which one is correct but it looks like an error. Edit: Also, in the 18.4" Viper II laptop section...
  16. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Thinking about getting the Bigfoot Killer 2100 gaming network card? read here first.

    Before you think about ordering your system with this network card take a look at these charts which show no real gain from using the card: File Transfer Performance Gaming Performance - Team Fortress 2 and Call of...
  17. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST No AMD based laptops?

    Why are there no AMD-based laptops available?
  18. Phoenix

    PCSPECIALIST Pricing Bugs?

    Hey there, I’ve recently come across this website and while I'm loving the option to individually select each component for the computer there isn't always a price shown next to each part in the drop-down list. Is this intentional or a bug? If it is intentional then I'd like to see prices put up...