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  1. C

    PCSPECIALIST PC Freezing up.

    Hi all, So I'll try to keep this short while giving as much detail as I can. Also worth mentioning I'm not the most software savvy guy... can build a PC but any SW issues are a muddle through affair... but here's my issue and observations. I've had this PCS desktop since May '21 with no issues...
  2. C

    PCSPECIALIST Monitor advice

    Looks good, might be an option tbh. Just a couple quibbles I need to look at. One is that it's reported to have some buggy issues. Another is no onboard speakers. I will need some but don't require the best speakers as I'm half deaf (nothing on right side) but no aid can fix it well (tried some...
  3. C

    PCSPECIALIST At last, the dream is within reach... but a few questions remain...

    So folks, here at great length, the kind of build I envisioned 5 years ago (when I built and had to settle for 6700K/1070/2560x1080, which is now ailing and needs upgrading) for 3440x1440/4K. This one is for 3440x1440 and 4K gaming and little else. I'm unlikely to ever stream or edit, and any...