Hi everyone, so after taking the laptop through multiple charge cycles and using it fairly regularly for a good few days (I have until this Thursday to return it), I've finally seemed to managed to sap the expected battery performance out of this laptop. As I'm writing this, the laptop has...
Hiya, not sure if this is the right place to ask this (please correct me if it isn't.) But if I were to fresh install windows 10 onto my new laptop, specs below. (Came with GamingCenterU) And I were to reinstall GamingCenterU, would I get the caps lock and num lock displays back when these...
Hi everyone, recently bought the Optimus Pro Elite 15, and the day after I opened it up and downloaded everything I needed, I've immediately noticed a few things. Firstly, fan noises seem to be very strange. When plugged in, they tend to go full throttle, which is slightly understandable...