These are the setting, If you are talking about the corsair logo light, yes I did disabled it.
The fans are set to quiet mode, is it better to set it to extreme while gaming ?
Yes there is enough space for the fans to draw air and there is nothing on the top of the case.
Thank you for your help
The fans of the case are blowing into the case Yes 100%, but about the fans that are attached to the cooler I think they are also blowing into the case
I just opened the case, I found a LED strip not attached, it was just hanging there
I took it off and left the case open, now the temp is 62 while gaming
could that be the cause !?
I got my pc delivered less than a month now, and it has good specs 2080ti ...
I am playing call of duty warzone (With medium to normal graphic setting) and my fps is capped to 160
But still my GPU is over heating too much, it reaches 85 Celsius and the case is very hot.
Note : I even...
Hello guys,
Please find in the picture below the config that I picked for my gaming PC(maybe streaming also), if you have any feedback please let me know
since I am not an expert