A couple of years ago, I bought two identical computers.
Within a year, the first one had the CPU cooler fail. Unsurprisingly, as there is obviously a problem with these coolers, the second one appears to have also failed.
It is getting sent back to be assessed and repaired and, ideally, I'd...
I've got a PCS computer less than a year old, has just been away under RMA for weeks getting the cpu pump/cooler replaced. It came back and the LED case strip doesn't seem to be working. Fans front and rear colours are there, along with the LED on the pump, but nothing from the strip around...
I bought a PC specialist computer via PC World summer last year .. it has been whisper quiet but then the last few months it seems like it has been getting noisier .. fans getting louder. A week or so back, I was in the middle of playing a game - nothing too strenuous, certainly not for the...