Wow you must be a right joy in real life. Half your replies on here are basically getting on your high horse and moaning aboit trivial things. Crack on.
On this;
If you were ordering a new laptop, would you order it without windows, and source a licence/usb from elsewhere? It seems they install the latest windows regardless for testing purposes
I'm tempted with upgrading my laptop this gen, but can someone who knows much about them explain to me if G-Sync (which is available on competitors) is a big miss on these chassis? They dont seem to have it but then some places I read suggest not to buy one without it?
My understanding with the Octane is that the maximum RAM speed supported is 2400MHz. So regardless of what RAM you attach into it (3000MHz or 3 million) it will only run at 2400. Is that correct/is faster RAM in that case a waste of money?
Ok thanks a lot, it looks like I have a decision to make regarding A) buying elsewhere or b) 15.6” vortex. External monitor is out of the question for me, I want something I can fold up and put away when not in use. Just seems a shame there are no 17.3” options here considering Clevo do make the...
Thanks for the reply. It does however then poses the question.... If i decided I really wanted a 17.3” screen (with g-sync), PCS don’t actually have a good solution? Or am I missing something.
Hi all, i’m looking to buy a decent gaming laptop (needs to be a laptop due to house setup, dont have the space so need something that can go away when it needs to). Most demanding thing I will be doing is gaming and im looking for something that will last me a good few years to come. I’m...