Recent content by XCJ

  1. X

    PCSPECIALIST WiFi issues with laptop

    Wow you must be a right joy in real life. Half your replies on here are basically getting on your high horse and moaning aboit trivial things. Crack on.
  2. X

    PCSPECIALIST WiFi issues with laptop

    On this; If you were ordering a new laptop, would you order it without windows, and source a licence/usb from elsewhere? It seems they install the latest windows regardless for testing purposes
  3. X

    PCSPECIALIST New Incoming PCS Laptop Chassis

    I'm tempted with upgrading my laptop this gen, but can someone who knows much about them explain to me if G-Sync (which is available on competitors) is a big miss on these chassis? They dont seem to have it but then some places I read suggest not to buy one without it?
  4. X

    PCSPECIALIST Ram for 18' recoil

    Do you know if its likely we'll see an AMD CPU option in the 18" chassis? I see its an option for 16" already.
  5. X

    PCSPECIALIST First gaming laptop

    My understanding with the Octane is that the maximum RAM speed supported is 2400MHz. So regardless of what RAM you attach into it (3000MHz or 3 million) it will only run at 2400. Is that correct/is faster RAM in that case a waste of money?
  6. X

    PCSPECIALIST My Vortex IX spec vs Octane

    Ok thanks a lot, it looks like I have a decision to make regarding A) buying elsewhere or b) 15.6” vortex. External monitor is out of the question for me, I want something I can fold up and put away when not in use. Just seems a shame there are no 17.3” options here considering Clevo do make the...
  7. X

    PCSPECIALIST My Vortex IX spec vs Octane

    Thanks for the reply. It does however then poses the question.... If i decided I really wanted a 17.3” screen (with g-sync), PCS don’t actually have a good solution? Or am I missing something.
  8. X

    PCSPECIALIST My Vortex IX spec vs Octane

    Hi all, i’m looking to buy a decent gaming laptop (needs to be a laptop due to house setup, dont have the space so need something that can go away when it needs to). Most demanding thing I will be doing is gaming and im looking for something that will last me a good few years to come. I’m...