Recent content by Tweniate

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    PCSPECIALIST PC Troubles, Beyond a Joke now

    Hi Guys, This problem has plagued me since I got this PC and its been driving me up the wall. Ive sent the PC back twice now and both times they have installed another HDD as it has failed to boot. Great, So its now booting. Second issue is that since I have had the PC it BSOD every time...
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    PCSPECIALIST Anybody A WoW player?

    Add me up on battle net #Loesa2408 Play SC, WOW, HS, DIABLO Mainly PVP Alli on Wow realm Ravencrest. If theres any of you out there, might see you online.
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    Been a proud owner of this PC for around 5 months now. And always wanted to know how it ranked as a Rig, against other peoples. Seems to run my games lovely, and streams great. Runs multiple monitors no problem so would be nice to see what you guys think, and if you had any good upgrade...
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    Proud Owner of a PCS Gaming RIG. Just thought id say hello.