Recent content by tartine

  1. T

    PCSPECIALIST Would like to hear your thoughts - new spec ordered

    oh and this is my monitor - ED273UR P Widescreen LCD Monitor
  2. T

    PCSPECIALIST Would like to hear your thoughts - new spec ordered

    Oh wow thank you so much for the detailed answer. Could I just ask, out of curiousity: - Will the PC case upgrade have a huge impact? Is it in terms of cooling or what would be the benefit? - The special thermal paste - is that for savings purposes or the the special thermal paste has an issue...
  3. T

    PCSPECIALIST Would like to hear your thoughts - new spec ordered

    I mean I already paid for it - so the budget is what it is^^ - mainly will use for gaming and video editing. I am upgrading from nvidia 1660ti and my screen is 140hz acer. Not willing to do much upgrades for the first 5 years of the pc life - after that willing to upgrade gpu - I guess the cpu...
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    PCSPECIALIST Would like to hear your thoughts - new spec ordered

    I tried my best to keep it really good, without cutting corners, but also trying to make it as cheap as possible. Looking to keep it as it is for minimum of 5 years. Case PCS SPECTRUM II ARGB MID TOWER CASE (PWM) *WHITE* Promotional Item Get a discount code for 20% off select peripherals at...